Diablo Vista Middle School
Winter Dance
Friday, February 7th
5:00pm - 6:30pm
DVMS Students--7th and 8th graders only
Cost: $5/student
$7/student (at check in)
Snacks available for purchase $2/item or in exchange for a non-perishable food donation
The DVMS Winter Dance is Friday, 2/7/25 from 5:00-6:30pm. Students must show valid student ID upon entry. Students must show a valid QR code that is emailed to you after ticket purchase. Check in is 5:00 PM. Students will be dismissed at 6:30 PM.
No students allowed entry after 5:30pm.
Students may not leave the event early.
All sales are final--no refunds or credits given.
Parent Volunteers Needed! Please sign up here:
In case of accident or emergency, I authorize the school to seek medical, surgical, or hospital attention for my child. It is understood that every attempt will be made to contact me before taking this action. I understand that any on campus activity involves certain dangers and I hold the District and its representatives harmless from claims of liabilities arising from this Fall Social Event.
By registering your student, you are hereby giving permission for your student to attend the Winter Dance at Diablo Vista Middle School on Friday, 2/7/25 from 5:00 - 6:30pm.
I have read and will cooperate with all rules and policies listed above.
Student must be present at school day of the event in order to attend the Winter Dance.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to enter your student's last name and ID number. If you are purchasing multiple tickets for students, please do each one separately.